by CJ Kilbride | Feb 9, 2018
Alright first week and a half of Squaduary is past and I have plenty to show for it!I've got my Primaris Ancient and five Primaris Intercessors painted up and ready to go. The rest of the Primaris Marines from Dark Imperium are almost all primed and shaded up, and...
by CJ Kilbride | Feb 6, 2018
Let's get right into it!Rory over at Stepping Between Games has been kind enough to organize Squaduary! I figure we can give it a go.So what am I bringing to the table this year, you may ask? Dark Imperium Primaris marines!I've got all the Death Guard stuff painted...
by CJ Kilbride | Jan 21, 2018
Better late than never right?I'm playing Wargame Hobby Bingo this year. I'm generally feeling the hobby mojo pretty good over the turn of the year and have been at my toys with a renewed vigour.So watch for posts this year.Cheers,CJ
by CJ Kilbride | Sep 2, 2017
I got one! I've been too busy lately to do anything but snipe new toys so no photos of anything to share. I've not even had time to look into a photo solution yet. I found a deal on an unpainted Realm of Battle and jumped on it... why not? I've wanted a single tile to...
by CJ Kilbride | Jun 30, 2017
<no images for you!>Things will be quiet for the time being while I figure out some image hosting solutions. I've been using Photobucket for years and while a fee for 3rd party hosting makes sense this 400$ is fucking ridiculous. I've paid happily for extra...