by Clive | Nov 26, 2010
Unless you have been living in a cave for the past 2 months, you would know about the new Ultramarine's movie. Well, It releases on the 29th of November, and for me that's 3 days away (I can't wait that long). I've already ordered my copy and I strongly...
by Clive | Nov 24, 2010
If you are like me you don’t want to waste your precious money on those amazing but expensive GW paints. As you may have noticed my current army is Orks. As I have not yet posted any tutorials, I will be sharing my method for painting Ork skin with only...
by Clive | Nov 20, 2010
I made a huge noobish mistake last month,I bought a box of lootas and burnas, mad 2 lootas, 2 burnas and a burna mek (what the hell could they ever do in the game in such small numbers !!) I know it was really silly of me, so I tried converting AoBR boyz into another...
by Clive | Nov 17, 2010
I'm sorry I've left the posting so, so, so (etc.) late. I've been so engrossed in painting my new boyz, not to mention the new display base I made. I also have been painting a couple of space marines given to me by my friend. Here's a few photos. Keep in mind my...
by Clive | Nov 9, 2010
Finally, my 10 boyz have arrived!! After a long anticitpated 21 days...Anyway, Im not sure if anyone else does this, but before I ever batch paint, I test a paint scheme on a single miniature, take a look: I hope the other 9 are the same! And Here are the other nine...