Angels of Death: Flameblade Strike Force

Do you love fire? Of course you do! Then the Flameblade Strike Force is for you. It can be taken by Salamanders and their successors (both of them), and accentuates both their affinity for fire and their personal independence. Even more exciting, the Salamanders'...

In Defense of Slaanesh

I know that I said I wouldn't be posting much, but there's an article on Bell of Lost Souls that I felt that I had to weigh in on. It discusses Slaanesh's role in 40K, specifically how Slaanesh is a symbol both of 40K's roots in the 1980s and displays an immature...

Real Life: Welcoming a new Lexicanum

My wife and I have welcomed our first child, Tristan James, to our family. We're both really excited and happy, but pretty tired. Taking care of a newborn is a full time job, so my Warhammer time will be very limited, as will my posting.Anyway, I just wanted to share...

Angels of Death: Fist of Medusa Strike Force

The Fist of Medusa Strike Force is available to armies of the Iron Hands and their successors. In general, it accentuates the already considerable durability of Iron Hands, and I think it will prove to be one of the strongest Space Marine detachments.It brings 3...

Executioners: The Black Circle

The Librarius of the Executioners is known as the Black Circle. Until now, I've only had a single Librarian, Amon Yara, but I've recently got the urge to field a Libarian Conclave. This necessitated two more Librarians, which I've built in a similar manner to Amon...