Angels of Death: Sternhammer Strike Force

With the release of Angels of Death, Space Marines have some new options to play with. I already reviewed all of the Formations it contains here and here, except for the Skyhammer Annihilation Force. I may eventually get to writing about that specifically, but I think...

Mantis Warriors Captain and Sergeant

Here are the last two Mantis Warriors that I have to paint at the moment. The first is my Captain. I'll be fielding him with a relic blade, represented by the Kromlech vibro-katana.Here's the Captain's banner. I used the quartered pattern that's standard for 5th...

Mantis Warrior Bikers

Here's my next batch of Mantis Warrior Bikers. I decided 4 bikes were too much to paint at one time, so I downgraded to 3. This seemed much less tedious.These included 2 more special weapon Marines. They're currently equipped with grav guns, since my Executioners...

X-Wing: TIE Interceptors

The TIE Interceptor is currently my favorite ship in X-Wing. I'm not sure that it's the best, but I have the most fun playing it. It's the definition of a glass cannon, with 3 Firepower, 3 Agility, 3 Hull, and no shields. However, it has a great action bar with Focus,...

Making your Tactical Marines Work for You

I often hear Space Marine players complain about their Tactical squads. It's commonly said that they "don't do anything" and that they cost too much, weakening the rest of the army. With the advent of Space Marine detachments requiring a large number of Tactical...