Mantis Warriors Bike Squad

I've been planning some small allied forces for my Executioners and Blood Angels for a while. For example, I was given a Bike squad for just such a force as a wedding gift (I'm rapidly approaching my second anniversary). Now that I've finished all of my projects for...

X-Wing: TIE Advanced

The TIE Advanced is the next Imperial ship that I'd like to cover. Overall, it's similar to the standard TIE Fighter, with 2 Firepower, 3 Agility, and 3 Hull. In addition, the TIE Advanced picks up 2 shields and the Target Lock action.The TIE Advanced's...

Executioner’s Land Speeder Storm Devil of Shem

Here's my second Storm, the Devil of Shem. This one carries a multi-melta, since I acquired it after Scouts received BS4. I figured it would be a decent idea to run the two Storms together, with one armed for anti-infantry and the other for anti-armor.I played around...

Executioners Land Speeder Storm Dagon’s Teeth

Since I started collecting the Executioners, I've acquired 2 Land Speeder Storms. I hadn't really intended to use too many Scouts with the Executioners until the current codex, but both of these Storms were really good deals from players that had started Space Marine...

Executioners Land Speeder Belit’s Sorrow

My latest model is a return to the Executioners. It's my Land Speeder, Belit's Sorrow. Like my other Land Speeder, it's magnetized to allow for all of the options to come with the kit. First up is the heavy bolter/assault cannon Tornado.Then there's the more flexible...