Imperial Bastion

For a more relaxing project, I painted an Imperial Bastion that I've had for years. I painted it dark grey, drybrushed with light grey, and painted the metal bits. Everything then got a custom wash (mostly Secret Weapon Concrete, mixed with a bit of Heavy Body Black...

Warmachine: Knights Exemplar Errant Command

 Here are the last few models for my Knight Exemplar Errant unit. This consists of the unit leader, as well as the unit attachment with an officer and standard bearer.The leader model model is pretty standard, with the same armor as the rest of the knights, just...

X-Wing: TIE Fighters

I've played enough X-Wing now that I'm comfortable starting to review the ships. This will be sporadic, as I'll only be writing about the ships that I've flown enough to feel like I really know them. I'm going to start off with the TIE Fighter, covering the pilots...

What does the Blood Angels Codex Need?

I've been playing my Blood Angels a lot lately and, as a result, I've gotten into a few discussions about what is needed to bring them back in line with the other codices in 7th edition. To be clear, I don't mean to make it a top codex on the level of Eldar; just make...

Warmachine: More Knights Exemplar Errants

Here's my next batch of Knights Exemplar Errants. They're pretty much the same as the first batch, but I think I rediscovered how I used to paint the white armor. This batch is a better match for the warjacks I painted a year ago, but the whole unit is close enough...