Warmachine: Knights Exemplar Errants

Those of you that have been reading the blog for a while will remember that I had a failed attempt to start playing Warmachine about 2 years back. Even though the people I was planning to play fell through and I haven't been able to try out the game yet, I wanted to...

Escher Gangers Part 2

Above is the completed Escher Gang, with the last 3 models added in. I painted them the same as the previous models, though these three get a very pale skin tone. I also went crazy on the hair color on these ladies.First up is the Leader. She's the most heavily...

Escher Gangers

My latest project is painting an Escher gang for a client. This is a nice break from painting Space Marines, and I am using it as an opportunity to try out blending. The client was very open to me experimenting, but wanted a few things in particular.First, he wanted a...

Choosing a Legion

As I mentioned in my last post, my wife gave me Betrayal at Calth for Christmas, and I want to use the miniatures to start a new army that I can play in both 40K and 30K (if it takes off at my store). However, that means that I need to pick a Legion. My criteria...

2015 in Review

Happy New Year!2015 was a pretty productive year for my hobby. I concentrated on my Blood Angels, and they received a well deserved update. Almost my entire army was rebased, and I added two new Tactical squads, a (fourth) Baal Predator, the Bloodstorm box set, and...