Blood Angels Tactical Marines

Here's the second half of my second new Blood Angels Tactical squad. They're painted the same as the previous Marines, but I'm happy to be finished with them. Painting red is wearing on me and I think I need a break.The reason that these are of note is the Sergeant's...

Kauyon Review: Raven Guard Formations

Kauyon includes seven new Space Marine Formations. These can be used by Space Marines of any Chapter Tactics, but can't be part of a Gladius Strike Force. However, if you're playing Raven Guard, they do fit into the Talon Strike Force.Pinion Battle CompanyThe Pinion...

Kauyon Review: Raven Guard Detachment

The Raven Guard keep their Chapter Tactic from Codex: Space Marines, but Kauyon gives them access to their own Warlord Traits, Chapter Relics, and Detachment, the Talon Strike Force. These are all limited to Raven Guard armies.Talon Strike ForceThe Talon Strike Force...

Kauyon Review: White Scars Formations

The White Scars section of Kauyon includes four new Formations. Most importantly, for me at least, these Formation can be taken with an Chapter Tactics. These are part of the Scarblade Strike Force, but can also be taken by any Space Marine army (or allied into...

Kauyon Review: White Scars Detachment

Somewhat surprisingly, the latest Warhammer 40,000 campaign book, provides a lot of new options to Space Marine armies. It primarily adds to the White Scars and Raven Guard Chapters, but the Formations included can be used by any Space Marine army. I'll be covering...