Blood Angels Tactical Marines

I've been lacking motivation to both paint or write for the last couple of weeks, which hopefully explains my lack of posts lately. I'm not sure if it's because of the holidays or what, but I just haven't been feeling it. I finally did sit down and manage to finish...

Captain Tycho

This fellow is a break from my stated goal of painting up all of my old models. He was a birthday present, and a great break from the batches of infantry that I was painting. He is also another step on my path to painting up all of the Blood Angels named characters.I...

Painting a Batch of Arms

I make a big deal about magnetizing the arms on a lot of my models. It saves you money and gives you options, and its a great thing to do. However, as I've been playing my Blood Angels more, I discovered that I'd only done half the work. My Sergeants all have...