Campaign Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Necrons

My second campaign game was against Necrons. Once again, my force had to be organized as a Allied Detachment. I rolled Artisan of War for my Warlord trait, so my Captain's power sword is master-crafted.Captain w/ power sword, artificer armor, jump pack, inferno...

Baal Predator Liani’s Hope

I finally painted up the last of my Baal Predators. This is the third of the newer plastic kit, and my fourth if you include my ancient plastic metal hybrid Baal, which desperately needs to be stripped and repainted. This is also the first Blood Angels tank that I've...

Campaign Battle Report: Blood Angels vs Tyranids

I kicked off our campaign with a 1,000 point game against Tyranids. I took the following list, organized as an Allied Detachment.Captain w/ artificer armor, inferno pistol, power weapon, jump pack10 Death Company w/ jump packs, 2 power fists10 Tactical marines w/...

Blood Angels Devastators

These two Devastators with missile launchers have been sitting on my shelf for years (at least since before I started the Executioners), so I'm definitely getting to the bottom of my queue as I attempt to finish painting everything I have. They're painted using my new...

Campaign Rules

As you've probably gathered from the fluff bits I've been posting over the last couple weeks, I'm starting a campaign with my gaming group. It will be 3 Imperial players versus 3 Xenos players. Here are the rules I came up with for it. I based them heavily on the...