Shading Red

Bright reds are a very difficult color to paint well. I've been painting Blood Angels for almost twenty years now, and I'm still figuring out new ways to paint red. My preferred method now is to start with a base of Mephiston Red and layer up through lighter reds, but...

Epistolary Lazzero

I assembled this fellow just after the current Blood Angel codex came out, primarily so that I could have a model to carry Gallian's Staff. He's cobbled together from a number of different kits. Mostly, he's from the Dark Angels Veterans kit, with a gun arm from a...

Liani Alpha Calls for Aid

+++Prioris Maxima+++Transmitted: Therin Calhoun+++Destination: All Imperial Forces+++Temporal Reference: 5920915.M41+++Telepathic Duct: Locus ObscurusIn the name of the glorious Emperor of Mankind, the duly anointed Governor Auriol of the Liani System, Sovereign of...

Product Review: Brush Cleaners

This Spring, I picked up a couple Windsor Newton Series 7 brushes. They're amazing brushes, but they were expensive, so I picked up a few products to keep them clean and in good condition. Now that I've spent some time with them, I figured it would be a good time to...