Executioners Apothecary

Here's another classic model, an old one-piece Apothecary. I picked him up when I picked up the Chaplain. While he is a nice model, I got him mostly because I wanted the option to run a Command Squad on foot using all of my Sternguard special weapon marines.He's a bit...

Combined Arms Detachment VS Gladius Strike Force

I've been playing games with my Executioners using the Gladius Strike Force, trying to figure out what's the best way to use the new Space Marine Formation. While I really like the bonuses given by the GSF, I keep finding it very restricting. This mostly comes down to...

Executioners Terminator Chaplain

Here's the latest addition to my Executioners, Death-Speaker Oraz the Wise of the First Company. I've always loved this model, and I picked him up the last time I made a direct order from Games Workshop. I didn't really need to add him to my army, but I just wanted to...

Picking up a new game: X-Wing

I've been struggling with picking up a second game for a while. 40K is definitely my first love when it comes to gaming, but we all know that it's easy to get burned out on one game, especially one as time consuming as 40K. Unfortunately, I haven't had much success.I...

Executioners Sternguard

These Sternguard are the latest addition to the Executioners. The more I run Sternguard, the more I want some extra flexibility with their armament. A couple of combi-meltas are handy but I really haven't had good luck with my heavy flamers. They're great for...