Space Marines in 2015: Command Formations

Command Formations can be taken as normal Formations, as well as included in a Gladius Strike Force. The first option is Strike Force Command, which just allows you to take one named characters, Captain, or Chaplain, accompanied by Honor Guard, a Command Squad, and an...

Space Marines in 2015: Battle Demi-Company

The Battle Demi-Company is the center-piece of the Gladius Strike Force, and the basis of most Space Marine armies in the fluff. In theory, it's exactly what it says on the tin; half of a Full Battle Company. It requires a Captain or Chaplain to command it, 3 Tactical...

Dropzone Commander: Scourge Starter Army

I've finally finished painting the Dropzone Commander Starter Set, so I can finally try and set up some games. This half of the set is the Scourge, a parasitic alien race analogous to Tyranids in that they have lots of organic war engines.The most common Scourge...

Space Marines in 2015: Lords of War

We only have one Lord of War in the Codex, and by we, I mean the Ultramarines. It's Marneus Calgar, and he's still a nasty piece of work. He's lost a few abilities, including the ability to unlock multiple Honor Guard squads, which is no longer necessary since they're...

Battle Report: Executioners vs Ultramarines

Here's a battle report from my first outing with the new Space Marine Codex, and for an even better playtest, my opponent brought an Ultramarine list. I went with a Gladius Strike Force composed of a Demi-Company and a 1st Company Strike Force.Demi-CompanyChapter...