Captain Karlaen

I've finished off Captain Karlaen, the 1st Company Captain and the last model from Deathstorm. I really like the look of this model. He's got more movement to him than most Terminators, and his armor is suitably ornate. I think he's a great looking centerpiece, which...

Space Marines 2015: Heavy Support

Devastator squads have only changed in armament. First, they now have access to grav-cannons with grav-amps. This allows them to compete with Centurions as a source of grav. Devastators are cheaper, but less durable and don't fire as many shots on the move. Second,...

Space Marines 2015: Fast Attack

Assault squads decreased in points cost, but no longer come with jump packs. When jump packs are added, they come out costing the same. This has the effect of making their transports cost the appropriate amount (rather than being discounted when taken for a small...

Terminator Squad Alphaeus

My next project continued my crusade to paint up my half of Deathstorm with Squad Alphaeus. Again, I tried to stick with the official models, using the same bits but in different poses and writing the same things on their scrolls.The big change I made was to give Sgt....

Space Marines 2015: Elites

Command squads are no longer unlocked by specific HQs; they're just a standard Elites choice now. They're 10 points cheaper now, but beyond that, they stayed the same, except that the authors remembered to give them the option to take Special Weapons without having to...