Space Marines 2015: Troops

Tactical squads didn't change at all, except the teleport homers are now half price (a change throughout the entire codex). The only big difference is that they can now take grav-cannons with grav-amps as their heavy weapons. Despite the high cost (a lascannon and...

Space Marines 2015: HQ

The Captain and Chapter Master are still pretty much the same, but their entries have been combined. The Chapter Master is now an upgrade, but maintains the same statline and Orbital Bombardment as before. The only change that I can see is that the Chapter Master is...

Space Marines 2015: Named Characters

Captain Sicarius dropped in cost by 10 points but retained most of his rules. He now has Furious Charge standard, rather than as a one use Warlord Trait. His Rites of Battle has become the Rites of War Warlord Trait, which does the same thing, and he still can give a...

Space Marines 2015: Chapter Tactics

For the most part, Chapter Tactics are very similar to the previous Codex. Like Warlord Traits, there's just small tweaks.Ultramarines: The Ultramarines Tactics are still the same; they can use each of the Combat Doctrines once per game. However, the Doctrines have...

Space Marines 2015: Warlord Traits

I've decided to my review of the new Codex in a new way. I'll be going through the units much more briefly than normal, highlighting the changes to their rules and how I feel that will change how they're used on the battlefield. If you're looking for a more in-depth...