Brother-Captain Michele Castigon

Here's the Captain of the Fourth Company, Michele Castigon. I haven't been able to varnish him yet (cold snap, including some snow, is preventing me from doing any spray painting) so please excuse the shine.I went with red artificer armor to change things up a bit. I...

Blood Angels in 7th: Formations: Archangels Formations

These are all Formations included in Shield of Baal: Exterminatus. They all have access to the Archangels Warlord Trait Table and Relics.  Archangels Orbital Intervention ForceThis is a very straightforward Formation, consisting of any combination of 3 Terminator...

Culexus Assassin

I haven't posted any painting photos for a while because I've just been retouching old Blood Angels. Most of them got repainted bases, and my Death Company all had their red accents repainted to match my current red scheme. Everything looks better, but I hardly think...