by Codicier Ignatius | Feb 27, 2015
Death Company lost a point of WS since last codex, but got a major upgrade because the price of their jump packs dropped by 80%. Jump pack Death Company aren’t just viable now; they’re arguably the best Blood Angels assault unit. Death Company pair a Veteran statline...
by Codicier Ignatius | Feb 23, 2015
The Command squad has changed a bit since last codex. First, it’s no longer called an Honor Guard. I guess having a Space Marine Honor Guard with completely different equipment was too confusing. It is no longer unlocked by taking a character, and it now takes up an...
by Codicier Ignatius | Feb 20, 2015
Scouts are our other Troops choice, and they can carry a more diverse armament than even Tactical squads. With Scout and Infiltrate, they can get into the position to engage the enemy in the first turn, or assault in the second turn. They’ve got a weaker statline than...
by Codicier Ignatius | Feb 16, 2015
The Blood Angels Tactical squad is very similar to the standard Space Marine Tactical squad, and will use most of the same unit configurations and tactics. There are three major differences. The first is that they have Furious Charge; this makes them better in...
by Codicier Ignatius | Feb 13, 2015
It took me a while, but I finally finished some of my new Blood Angels. I'm away from home until early summer, and it's amazing all of the things I take for granted that help me do my painting. I brought one of my lamps with me, but I really miss my desk and chair...