Blood Angels in 7th: HQ: Techmarine

Techmarines now take up an HQ slot, meaning that I doubt you’ll ever see one again. Their statline hasn’t improved at all, and they have the same artificer armor and servo-arm, with the option to take a full servo-harness or a jump pack. He can choose from most of the...

Blood Angels in 7th: HQ: Chaplains and Astorath

ChaplainUnfortunately, we lost our special Reclusiarch, while the standard Chaplain has been moved from Elites to HQ. He still has all the Chaplain abilities we know and love, coming with Zealot, a power maul, and a 4+ invulnerable save. He no longer has the Litanies...

Blood Angels in 7th: HQ: The Sanguinor

My old winged Captain, who makes an excellent Sanguinor. The Sanguinor is a unique character, not quite fitting into the categories into which most HQs fall. He dropped in cost significantly since last codex, for the loss of one attack and a point of invulnerable...