by Codicier Ignatius | Jan 30, 2015
This is the original Codicier Ignatius, from way back in the day. Sanguinary DisciplineBefore I discuss Librarians, it seems like a good place to discuss the Sanguinary Discipline. The Primaris power is Quickening, which gives the psyker or a character within 12”...
by Codicier Ignatius | Jan 26, 2015
CaptainThe Captain is generally not a popular choice. He lacks any unique abilities that benefit the army, instead relying on assault killing power to earn his points. In Codex: Space Marines, he is outdone by the Chapter Master for a fairly small cost in points. For...
by Codicier Ignatius | Jan 23, 2015
Before I get into the individual units, I wanted to cover the Blood Angels Warlord Table and Relics. These have a great amount of bearing on the HQ choices. In general, the Blood Angels follow the trend of 7th Edition. The Warlord traits range from situational to...
by Codicier Ignatius | Jan 19, 2015
The Blood Angels are back with a new Codex, in line with the rest of the 7th Edition books. Though you might not know it from the content of this blog over the last year, Blood Angels were my first 40K army, started with the release of 3rd Edition back in 1998....
by Codicier Ignatius | Jan 17, 2015
There's a Conan Boardgame blowing up Kickstarter at the moment, and I felt like I should write a quick announcement given my interest in all things Robert E Howard. The game looks a lot like an updated, faster-paced Hero's Quest, and comes with almost 80 great looking...