by Codicier Ignatius | Jan 16, 2015
To cap off my year, I took the Eldar to a 2,000 point, three game tournament. I took this list:AsurmenFarseer w/ singing spear, Spirit Stone of Anath’lanWarlock w/ singing spear10 Guardian Defenders w/ Bright Lance10 Dire Avengers Wave Serpent w/ scatter lasers,...
by Codicier Ignatius | Jan 9, 2015
I'm sure some of you have noticed that I haven't been posting as often as usual. The holidays are part of it, but I'm also getting prepared to move for a semester. I'll be teaching my own university class, and getting ready has been taking up a bunch of my time. Once...
by Codicier Ignatius | Dec 24, 2014
I built all three of my Dire Avenger squads with Exarchs. While they look great, they're not great on the table. I was hesitant to pick up another box of Dire Avengers because they are so expensive now for only five models, but I found a box on clearance at my FLGS. I...
by Codicier Ignatius | Dec 22, 2014
Money's been a bit tight lately, so I painted a few models for friends' Christmas presents. I really hope that they're happy with how they turned out.First, up is this C'tan shard. My buddy wanted it painted up as if it were glowing green, with the chest being the...
by Codicier Ignatius | Dec 19, 2014
I picked up the new Farseer when it came out with the Codex. It took me a long time to get around to painting it. He certainly blows away my old metal Farseers away in terms of sculpt.I wanted to keep the model predominantly green to match the rest of my army, but the...