by Codicier Ignatius | Oct 13, 2014
In my quest to paint all of my unpainted miniatures, the next obvious choice is another squad of Warp Spiders. When I've used them in games, they've been one of my favorite units. Adding another full squad couldn't hurt.I went for a darker scheme to differentiate this...
by Codicier Ignatius | Oct 10, 2014
Bike SquadThe Bike squad can be thought of very similarly to a mobile Tactical squad. It carries decent anti-infantry firepower with twin-linked bolters, can take two special weapons at any size, and can take either a heavy bolter or multi-melta on an Attack Bike....
by Codicier Ignatius | Oct 6, 2014
In my crusade against unpainted models, my next targets were more Protectorate of Menoth models. First up is another warcaster, Grand Scrutator Severius. He's a leader of the army, and is basically a Menite bishop, though he's really into torturing and burning people...
by Codicier Ignatius | Oct 3, 2014
Assault SquadProbably the most iconic Fast Attack choice, Assault squads are composed of standard Marines wearing jump packs and carrying bolt pistols and chainswords. They can carry two flamers or plasma pistols in a any size squad, allowing them to deliver multiple...
by Codicier Ignatius | Sep 29, 2014
Sorry for the break in posts. My week has been turned upside down by a very serious illness within my family. I don't want to go into it much, but I wanted to let you all know that posts may be sporadic in the future. I am going to try to keep writing because it gives...