by Codicier Ignatius | Sep 22, 2014
This fellow is my latest painted model, a Reckoner Warjack for Warmachine. Every person that makes fun of how unrealistic the proportions on a Space Marine Dreadnought are should look at this guy. He's all shoulders and arms with itty bitty legs. Imposing, but not...
by Codicier Ignatius | Sep 19, 2014
The last two Elites choices are a bit mismatched, being the only ones without multiple versions in the slot. Even so, discussing them will bring some 40K back into they Warmahordes dominated week here in the Fourth Company Librarium. Legion of the DamnedThe Legion of...
by Codicier Ignatius | Sep 15, 2014
I last put paint to a Warmachine model in 2011, before putting them on the backburner to concentrate on 40K. However, I did start painting one of my units before I did. As such, they've been sitting unfinished on my shelf looking at me for the better part of three...
by Codicier Ignatius | Sep 12, 2014
Terminator SquadTerminators are the iconic Space Marine elites. They have the excellent veteran statline, a 2+/5++ save, and carry a storm bolter and power fist. The squad can take an assault cannon, cyclone missile launcher, or heavy flamer for every five models in...
by Codicier Ignatius | Sep 8, 2014
Here's the second half of my Dire Avenger squad, which includes the Exarch with power weapon and shimmershield. Here are the normal aspect warriors.And here's the Exarch. I have to say that the power weapon and shimmershield armament makes the best looking Exarch,...