More Executioners Tactical Marines

More Executioners Tactical Marines

Here are the final Marines to make up my third Tactical squad. This includes their sergeant, Koshek. He marks my return to using the Dark Angels Veteran backpack for my sergeants. The twin skull exhausts are just perfect for the Executioners.To finish off my Tactical...
7th Edition Battle Report: Executioners vs Grey Knights

7th Edition Battle Report: Executioners vs Grey Knights

Brother-Captain Amalric reined in his steed, he eyes scanning the northern horizon. His helmet’s auto-senses flagged several power armored forms moving on the horizon. Behind him was a recently ruined city, still smoking from an overwhelming assault. The Executioners...
Executioners Tactical Marines

Executioners Tactical Marines

Here's the first batch of Tactical Marines that I promised. It's a simple 4 bolter Marines, but they were a relaxing paint job, probably because they are so simple and familiar. These will go toward my ability to field a third Tactical squad in my army. I've found...
Space Marine Codex Review: Tactical Squads

Space Marine Codex Review: Tactical Squads

The Tactical squad is the most basic and ubiquitous Space Marine unit. As a Troops choice, they have several advantages over most. They’ve got an above average statline, a great armor save, and an excellent basic gun, and they have the option to take a special weapon...