by Codicier Ignatius | Nov 27, 2013
Amidst all of the excitement over the Space Marine Codex and the new models, I didn't hear much discussion about the new Tactical Marines. I knew that they came with grave weapons and a combi-weapon, as well as a power sword and fist, all of which would be useful, but...
by Codicier Ignatius | Nov 25, 2013
With the new Space Marine Codex, I've been updating my army to take advantage of the new rules. Of course, if I'm going to use Imperial Fists Chapter Tactics, I'll need some Devastators. Their Tank Hunters makes them extremely appealing.First, I'm working on a squad...
by Codicier Ignatius | Nov 22, 2013
Ultramarines are really spoiled for choice when it comes to special characters. They've got more on the main rulebook than any other Chapter, and the Badab War characters add even more. I'll just be covering those in the main book here, with the Badab characters...
by Codicier Ignatius | Nov 18, 2013
Sorry for that gap in posts. Between traveling, applying for a new job, and trying to get a bunch of new Marines painted for an upcoming tournament, I just haven't written much. I'm trying to catch back up, so here's my thoughts on the Ultramarines Chapter Tactics....
by Codicier Ignatius | Nov 8, 2013
Captain LysanderDue to illness, the part of Lysander will be played by Amra the Lion.Darnath Lysander is the Imperial Fists’ 1stCompany Captain, and he certainly is up to the task. He’s got the statline of a Chapter Master minus one attack (which his master-crafted...