Eldar Codex Review: Elites

Eldar Codex Review: Elites

Howling BansheesHowling Banshees have had it rough in 6thEdition. As a unit that always struck first and all carried power weapons, they were feared as one of the premiere assaults in 3rd, 4th, and 5th Edition. However, 6th Edition took away their ability to assault...
Refurbished My Warp Spiders

Refurbished My Warp Spiders

My reworking of old Eldar models continues with my Warp Spiders. I chose to work on the Warp Spiders next for two reasons. First, the unit is amazing on the table and I plan to be using them a lot. Second, I thought the Warp Spiders were one of my better painted Eldar...

Eldar Review: Wraithguard and Wraithblades

The next two units are nominally Elites, but can be taken as Troops if you take a Spiritseer in the army. Since the Spiritseer is a good unit and T6 scoring units are awesome, I expect you will see them as Troops more often than not.WraithguardWraithguard are tough as...
Eldar Review: Troops Part 2

Eldar Review: Troops Part 2

Windrider JetbikesWindrider Jetbike squadrons are composed of Guardians on jetbikes armed with twin-linked shuriken catapults. Fortunately, the jetbike gives the model a 3+ armor save, making them just a durable as a Space Marine. This may not sound like much, but...