Executioners Background: The Red Hour

This background is based on that from Imperial Armour Volumes 9 and 10, without any additions from my homebrewed fluff. I decided to write up a synopsis of the official Executioner background due to the difficulty and expense in procuring the original sources. Enjoy!...

Commission: Ultramarines Librarian

Here are some pictures of the promised Ultramarine Terminator Librarian. This model is absolutely covered in detail, so it was great fun to paint. The Ultramarine specific bit is the freehand on his left knee; that was the only flat area I could find on the model.I...

Space Marines and Allies

Until we get a new Space Marine Codex (and potentially after), allies are an important part of keeping the army competitive. I’ve been very resistant to allies so far, mostly due to my love of fluff. Allies are to 6th Edition what Special Characters were to 4th; they...

Executioners Background: The Early Badab War

This background is based on that from Imperial Armour Volumes 9 and 10, without any additions from my homebrewed fluff. I decided to write up a synopsis of the official Executioner background due to the difficulty and expense in procuring the original sources. Enjoy!...

Commission: Ultramarines Dreadnought

This is my latest offering on the Ultramarines commission, the plastic Dreadnought from the Assault on Black Reach set. It's a simple sculpt, so I added an Ultramarine symbol from the Drop Pod to its arm and some freehand to its shin. I think that marks it well as an...