Angel’s Blade Strike Force: Auxiliary Formations

The Archangels Orbital Intervention Force consists of 3 Terminator squads or Terminators Assault squads. Swift Deployment requires the Formation to start the game in Deep Strike Reserve but allows them all to arrive on a single reserve roll. Orbital Intervention is...

Executioners Scout Squad Tenaka

Here's another Scout squad to pair with Sergeant El'Borak's squad from last week and allow me to deploy a 10th Company Task Force. This is Squad Tenaka, and they also make use of the Judge helmets from Puppetswar.It was great to paint some models in a scheme that I'm...

Angel’s Blade: Detachment and Core Formations

The Angel's Blade Strike Force is a relatively flexible Detachment, requiring only 1 Core Formation and 1 Auxiliary Formation, with no limits on how many of either you can take, and allowing up to 5 Command Formations. It's Command Benefits include:The Angel's Virtue:...

Angels Blade: Overall

Angel's Blade has been out for a few weeks, and it's given Blood Angels some options that they were sorely lacking. It remains to be seen if Angel's Blade will raise the Blood Angels out of the lower tier of 40K armies. First off, it has some fun fluff. The Blood...

Executioners Scout Squad El’Borak

As I hinted last week, I've added a Scout squad to my Executioners. I've been meaning to do this for a while, as Scouts provide some excellent bolter fire and board presence, and I'm excited to field a 10th Company Task Force within my Sternhammer Strike Force.The...