Space Marines and Flyer Defense

Flyers are a major part of 6th Edition, and any army that wants to be competitive on the tabletop needs to be able to deal with them. The newer codices have some options for Skyfire, but Space Marines will likely have to wait a few months before we get the treatment....

Executioners Background: Selected Battle Honors

This background is based on that from Imperial Armour Volumes 9 and 10, without any additions from my homebrewed fluff. I decided to write up a synopsis of the official Executioner background due to the difficulty and expense in procuring the original sources. Enjoy!...

Executioner Heavy Bolter Sternguard

I recently played in a Kill Team tournament, and I took an Executioners Sternguard squad as my team. Based on the rules and the type of units I was likely to face (and the fact that it's only 5 points), a heavy bolter seemed like a good addition to the team. I didn't...

Space Marines in 6th Edition: Heavy Support Part 3

PredatorThe Predator is the workhorse of the Space Marine Heavy Support section. With front armor 13, it’s reasonably tough to take out from the front. It can mount weapons to take on both infantry and tanks. The basic anti-infantry pattern keeps the autocannon turret...

Executioners Background: Overview

This background is based on that from Imperial Armour Volumes 9 and 10, without any additions from my homebrewed fluff. I decided to write up a synopsis of the official Executioner background due to the difficulty and expense in procuring the original sources. Enjoy!...