Commission: Ultramarines Terminators

Here's the next batch of Ultramarine Terminators, including a Sergeant and Cyclone Missile Launcher. They match up well with the previous batch, and these guys have a similar amount of freehand. In particular, I think the white missiles on the cyclone look pretty...

Space Marines in 6th Edition: Heavy Support Part 2

Land RaiderThe standard Land Raider is a well-rounded, but somewhat conflicted tank. With AV14 all around and 4 hull points, it’s probably the toughest tank in the game. It’s an assault vehicle that can transport 12 models, and it will likely reach the enemy due to...

The Absolvers: A Fluff Overview

The Absolvers are a fleet based chapter from the 17th Founding.  They were created with strong ties to the Inquisition, and they serve as a reserve force that may be called upon by any Deatchwatch teams or Ordo Xenos Inquisitors. They are generally only summoned...

Commission: Ultramarines Terminators

Now that Brawler Bash is over, it's back to painting Ultramarines. Having finished all the power armor up, I moved on to the Terminators. Here are the first 5.These guys were fun to paint up, and I think the white helmets came out pretty striking. Since these guys are...

Space Marines in 6th Edition: Heavy Support Part 1

Devastator SquadThe Devastator squad is the basic heavy weapons choice of Space Marine armies. It’s just a squad of marines carrying four heavy weapons. In the current codex, only the heavy bolter, multi-melta, and missile launcher are really priced appropriately for...