Brawler Bash: Game 2

My second game had me matched up against a Tyranid player, the same one that I was partnered with in the last team tournament. Not only that, but he'd made a great deal of progress painting his army and it looks great (he took 2nd place for army painting, and I think...

Brawler Bash: Game 1

I won't be doing in-depth battle reports for Brawler Bash. That's a daunting task for 5 games, and it's hard for me to remember the details from so many games so close together. Instead, I'll be presenting my opponent's list and an overall summary of the battle, along...

Brawler Bash GT: I won something!

This weekend, I attended the Brawler Bash GT. It was a 5 game, 2 day grand tournament in Durham NC, hosted by my FLGS, Atomic Empire.  This is the only 40K Grand Tournament in North Carolina, and is the first year that Brawler Bash included 40K (it's only been a...

Space Marines in 6th Edition: Fast Attack Part 3

Space Marine Bike SquadBike squads are a tough, flexible choice. They’ve got better firepower than a Tactical squad with twin-linked bolters and two special weapons, though they are limited to a multi-melta or heavy bolter on a single Attack Bike (which they should...

Making a Purity Seal

Now that I've a display board, I wanted to label it for the Executioners. I know the common way to do this is to get a brass plate engraved. However, I priced it out from a couple places, and it costs $40 to $50 to get the amount of words I wanted engraved. I figured...