by Col. Dracus | Oct 23, 2013
Ok guys! With Forge World releasing updated character stats while also adding and clarifying Chapter Tactics for the chapters they support I finally have the information I need to build an Astral Claws army list.Links:Chapter TacticsCharacter UpdateLet's start with...
by Col. Dracus | Oct 15, 2013
Sorry for not posting lately, things have been hectic. Here is a short update... I have been playing quite a few games lately (battle report below) and made my first army trade (video below). I have also been working on some terrain for my snow board (pics...
by Col. Dracus | Sep 17, 2013
So I have been hard at work on hobby related projects. Lets go over a few things what I have been spending my time on.First up, some GW Terrain.Looks like I took this picture with my glasses off...So I had a buddy who asked me to build and paint these three terrain...
by Col. Dracus | Sep 3, 2013
Sorry I don't have anew article up yet, but to hold you over here is a Battle Report and you can see a bit of the table I have been working on!Let me know what you guys think!Dracus, Out!
by Col. Dracus | Aug 20, 2013
So when I decided to play Space Marines I was looking for a cool themed chapter and one that would give me flexibility. After I saw some awesome 3rd party accessory items with a lion theme to them I had to look up Space Marine chapters that had to do with...