by Col. Dracus | Aug 1, 2013
So is there a such thing as having to many troops in a game of 40k?In your standard Force Organization Chart you have 6 troop slots, but there are many armies that can use those 6 slots to get even more troop units.One common example would be for Space Marines to use...
by Col. Dracus | Jul 3, 2013
So I finally hit Post #101! Well really I should have it this a bit ago but I was trying to think of something special to do for post 100... but I couldn't think of anything. But here we are now and let's keep going!So last night I was playing a game at my LGS...
by Col. Dracus | Jun 27, 2013
So I have been in the hobby for over 13 years now and I am one of the "old men" in my gaming group as most of them started really playing in 5th edition. I have become the "go to guy" for most rules questions (right or wrong) and for some army advice as I have played...
by Col. Dracus | May 28, 2013
Ok, so I finally have an update that is decent. I have been working on my Nerd Cave lately and found some time to do some hobby work!So hobby stuff first!I finished my May commitment for the Hobby Progress Challenge! YAY. I was a bit worried last week when I knew I...
by Col. Dracus | May 20, 2013
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still around. I know I haven't posted anything is almost 3 weeks, but I have been super busy with work and "other work". I am starting to work on something big that I hope to be able to announce later this year or early...