Hobby Progress Challenge update

So today is the start of a new month and another hobby commitment. Last month my commitment was to paint a 12-man Fire Warrior Squad and a Gun Drone.Before:After:My commitment for May is...11x Drones5x XV8 Crisis Suites1x DevilfishAnd because I we excited about...

Base Work for the Tau

So I have made a decision on what to do with the basing for the Tau and I started working on them last weekend. I made the decision to go with SNOW! I have not done snow in the past so this is something new for me, and I think that making them look good with the...

UltraTau Painting update.

So here is a nice quick UltraTau painting update for you.20x Fire Warriors Before!After!2nd Hammerhead and First Devilfish with the first Hammerhead (on the right)!I need to probably do a group shot of everything together here soon. But till then I think I finally...

Tau VS Dark Angels Video Battle Report

So I had a game this last weekend of Tau VS Dark Angels. It was 1500 points, Big Guns Never Tire, and Vanguard Strike.Check it out! Comments and Suggestions are always welcomed.