Zone Mortalis Progress

So I did some more work this last weekend on my Zone Mortalis Terrain. After lots of glue and paint I was able to have my first game. See the pics below. I still have some work to do and need to make some terrain for inside the Zone Mortalis.We played a 500 point game...

Started the Complex/Zone Mortalis terrain!

So on Sunday afternoon after working some overtime I decided to drop by the craft store and pick up some foam core so I can start working on my terrain idea. After a few hrs of work this is what I have ended up with.Here is how I did it!Step 1. Get the Materials!Step...

Quick 40k hobby update

Sorry I have not posted anything for a bit. I have been really busy as of late and have not been able to take any pictures of my progress. The pictures will come soon I hope. But what I have been up to has been working hard on the new YouTube channel, I have 15 videos...

YouTube BatReps and THQ

Well I have been a very busy boy this last week.  The weekend started with a 1,500 point tournament, continued with an extra gaming day on Monday while "Life After the Cover Save" recorded a show at Paper Hero's in Saugus, CA then I had my normal gaming night and...

First game with the new Dark Angels, BatRep

So I picked up the new Dark Angels book last weekend and got my first game in with them this week. I have to say that my first impression of the book is that it looks pretty well balanced. I am a bit disappointed in the flyers. I would have really liked if...