6mm Imperial Guard Heavy Weapons

At the end of last year, I talked about a new project to bring the Palladian Guard to life by doing an Epic army.  This would let me collect an army on a much larger scale than 40K does, and let me play one of GW's classic games.  It's time for an update!  They're...

Rediscovering Warhammer 40,000

This blog started in 2010, with me talking about some heavy weapons for my Imperial Guard army.  Since then, I've finished that army and around three or four years ago I got thoroughly disillusioned with Games Workshop and discovered the joys of historical gaming.  I...

Breakthrough: Battle of the Lys River Bridgehead

The last few months have seen a gentle campaign going on in the background, set in the Armentieres sector of the Western Front in Spring 1918. The British are resisting the opening phase of Operation Georgette, part of the famous German Spring Offensives.  This was an...

1:3,000 Russian Pre-Dreadnought Fleet

Time for a long overdue post, I think.  A very stressful time at the moment as I'm changing jobs and moving house, so I sat down to attack the huge pile of unpainted lead, plastic and resin on my table, and managed to turn out some War Times Journal ships.  You might...

2mm Napoleonic Battle Report

Evening everyone!  Mike, Ian and I managed to get a game of Line of Battle in yesterday, using 2mm Irregular Miniatures figures.  These are the same ones Mike painted for our massive Talavera game from December 2016. 2mm gaming is, as you'd imagine, on quite a...