What’s On The Table? An Update

Things have been rather quiet on the blog of late for various reasons - although a lack of painting and gaming isn't one of them.  I've just been doing lots of little side projects and games that have meant I haven't got my main projects through to completion and...

American Civil War… "Research Day"

You might remember the American Civil War campaign we fought last year, following the fortunes of the Fourth Texas Infantry.  It used 6mm models, Two Splendid Lines rules, and a considerable amount of dressing up. Regular readers know that I also do historical...

Painting Exchange: 40K Officers and Chaos… Person

Things have been a bit Team Yankee heavy lately, so I'll  save our last battle report for a few weeks' time.  As Facebook friends will know, I've been busy lately with my Masters' disseration (The Challenges of Brigade Command for Volunteer and Professional Officers...

Veluwezoom Forest: Team Yankee Battle Report

Time for another Team Yankee battle report.  My friends and I are really enjoying this game, and have even taken part in the global campaign which is currently running: Firestorm Red Thunder. This scenario saw my Poles and Kieran's East Germans pitted against Mike's...

Last Stand at L’Armee Farm: WWI Battle Report

Hello everyone, and welcome to a new battle report in our latest Supercampaign: Storm of Steel.  After the exertions of our recent games, this is a nice simple side campaign we're running to relax before the big games we have planned for next year. This is the...