Havsted Crossroads – Team Yankee Battle Report

A Leopard 1 MBT of the Danish LANDJUT Brigade. Good evening all, and welcome to another Team Yankee battle report.  TY is a great game - see our previous battle report if you don't believe me.  It's a brave attempt to tackle a complex environment, mixing lots of...

28mm WW1 Officers

Does anyone remember when this blog used to be all about 28mm stuff?  I came round from being all about 40K, then moved over into historicals via WW2, then broke through into other scales with some 2mm gaming.  Since then, I've done about two years of nearly all teeny...

Supercampaign VI – Storm of Steel

Brigadier-General Sir Thomas Cowan, G.O.C. 103rd Brigade We recently started our sixth Supercampaign - Storm of Steel.  This is an hour-by-hour refight of part of Operation Georgette, which was itself part of the wider German Spring Offensive of 1918.  The game...

Tanks! Game Review and Battle Report

Or to be more specific, Tanks: the 15mm WWII skirmish game from Gale Force Nine. I spied this WWII game in my local model shop a few months back, and decided to pick up a starter pack.  This comes with: A 24 page rulebook Game tokens Unit cards Critical hit cards...

2mm Franco-Prussian War Battle Report

The game in full swing! Good afternooon everyone, and I hope wherever you're reading this it's in the shade.  The UK has broken out in an unprecedented spell of exceptional weather, with temperatures up into the low twenties for one brief period. So I've been safely...