Team Yankee Battle Report

Hello everyone, and after last week's preview of my Polish Army battalion for Team Yankee, I'm pleased to say we managed to get a great game in a few nights ago.  It was Mike's first game, so we put together a fairly standard attack scenario from the rulebook.  The...

Polish People’s Army in Team Yeakee

A few weeks ago I revealed that I'd been working on a Team Yankee campaign, using 2mm figures as campaign tokens.  Now I'm going to share some pictures of the 15mm Battlefront miniatures I've been working on over the last few weeks. A new scale - and a new game I've...

Team Yankee: Homemade Air Power Counters

Afternoon everyone, Time for (yet another) new project.  I have a habit of starting more things than I finish, but I've decided not to let it worry me unduly.  I not just paint what makes me happy, and if I 'finish' a project, then it's a bonus. One of those is Team...

Line of Battle: Rules for Large Battles 1600 – 1914

They're always closer than you think. Today I unveil a project I've been working on for several years: Line of Battle.  This is a universal set of wargaming rules for large scale line battles between 1600 and 1914, and I'll be putting them up for sale from today. ...

Battle Report: The Civil Wars In Scotland

Yours truly, doing some experimental archeology... Some of you may recall the 6mm American Civil War rules I wrote - detailed rules for regimental-level combat, with a focus on period battlefield tactics and drill.  We used these to refight every battle in which the...