by Colonel Winterborne | Oct 18, 2014
Finished! That's right finished. I can't remember the last models I finished painting but finally we have two new additions to the army, a Taurox and a Taurox Prime!This post will be very light in terms of words as I will let you (hopefully!) enjoy a load of photos....
by Colonel Winterborne | Oct 12, 2014
Hey everyoneEnough necromantic activities for the moment, it's time to get back to the glorious IV mechanised infantry!I've been getting busy with a pair of Taurox and am now tantalizingly close to finishing them. Last bits that need doing are the black and the red...
by Colonel Winterborne | Oct 4, 2014
Hello everyone, as promised we have the next post showcasing some more more of my rediscovered Warhammer collection!In this post we will have a look at my Tomb Kings of Khemri. The army was started when the Tomb Kings first came out in what the internet informs was...
by Colonel Winterborne | Sep 25, 2014
Don't worry, your eyes don't deceive you, this really is another post only 11 days after the last! I remember the good old days when they'd be every couple of days. Ah well, what can you do!Anyway, this post is going to be the first of several slightly different posts...
by Colonel Winterborne | Sep 14, 2014
Hey everyone!Sadly the past few months have been pretty barren hobby-wise. Nonetheless I have managed to get a few bits done and have even managed to snap a few photos.There are photos of a few of the newer projects and some older models that have been on the cards...