Praetorian Blood Axe Kommandos?

Greetings everyone!I've been hinting for sometime that I'v been working on something a little different for my army, something a little greener... well without further ado... a Blood Axe Kommando! Now before you call the Inquisition on me hear me out. Back when...

Finished Praetorian Life Guards

Greetings all! A quick post with a few photos of some newly painted models that have been long on the workbench! Finally, about 3 to 4 years after the first 5 were finished, I have finally painted the second half of the Life Guards squad! Huzzah! No...

WIP Colonel of the Praetorian Highland Guard

Hello everyone!Firstly sorry for still not having posted the battle report from the big Praetorian Bad Moon Orks game, it will arrive eventually... I promise!But I've surely got to give you something by way of an apology so here are two photos of two new conversions...

Battle Report Guard vs Orks Prologue: Regicide

"Gorblud knew it was a trap.  It had to be. Winterborne had never made a tactical mistake like this before. After years of chasing each other across many planets, there finally seemed to be an opportunity where Gorblud could face-down the infuriating Colonel with...