by Colonel Winterborne | Dec 7, 2012
Welcome to Part 2 of the Gaois Secondus report. In this post I will be taking you through lots of the miniatures entered into the various painting competitions.How did I fare in these painting competitions? Well read on and you will find out.The first load of entries...
by Colonel Winterborne | Dec 3, 2012
Now that the photo crisis of December 2012 has been resolved I can get back to doing what (hopefully!) I do best, and post some photos of Praetorian Imperial Guardsmen!To kick of the upcoming series of posts about the exploits of the Praetorians at the campaign...
by Colonel Winterborne | Dec 3, 2012
Hello everyoneI'd firstly like to apologise for the lack of posting this past week. Due to unforeseen technical difficulties (blogger was trying to cut me off because I'd reached my photo limit), and other distractions I've been delayed in posting anything...
by Colonel Winterborne | Nov 25, 2012
Back from Nottingham and finally back in a house with fully working internet! Unfortunately not enough time to craft a proper report on all the various goings on of the weekend, that will have to wait for later in the week ahead, but I am content to give you a...
by Colonel Winterborne | Nov 23, 2012
Greetings everyoneA post of the most brief nature. I have just finished painting the bombard and now its time to head to Nottingham! (making their first ever appearance this weekend will be the heavy squad, hydra, bombard, The colonels dog and an aegis defence line...