Second Siege of Agratha – Aftermath Part 2

“FIRE!” The imperial line had overextended. In the West the Leviathan had pushed too far ahead and was now almost cut off from the main battle line. He had heard on the short wave vox that the force under Captain Caine had reached Gravis and were taking up defensive...

Second Siege of Agratha – Aftermath Part 1

The orks emerged from the thick smoke, their guttural war cry hanging in the air. Colonel Winterborne gave a nod to the sergeant major.“At One Hundred Yards...”They had arrived late. Bloody late. No sooner had the Praetorian IV left Bolan flats they were engaged by...

Second Siege of Agratha – Prelude

Praetorian IV Mechanised Infantry under the command of Colonel Animus Winterborne. Somewhere on the Mputu Ridge 50km Southwest of Bolan flats. +++Colonel Winterborne - How did the greenskins manage to breach the cordon? Details man, give me bloody...

Finished Praetorian Baneblade

Finally another new addition to the army, the mighty Baneblade!After excessive delays due to real life I finally managed to dust off my paints and brushes and finish the Baneblade off. In my last post great progress had been made and I was finishing off the freehand...

Baneblade nears completion

Greetings everyone! Sorry for the profound lack of blogging, it's been a ridiculous few months which has meant there has been no hobbying done at all. That said, I did manage the past couple of days to get some work done on my Baneblade! I've finished the...