256: Dropper bottles (or not) for airbrush paint

The new Forgeworld and GW airbrush paint comes in normal pots. They use the same pots as for their standard bristle stick range. Many commented that they prefer dropper bottles, like Vallejo.Plenty of others are fine with pots, and use pipettes to get small...

255: Edge highlighting

Edge highlighting is a basic technique, but it's one I think I have got better at in the last year or so.The arrows point out a few regions where I have put bright white straight onto pure black. This is something I would have avoided before. The lines need to be very...

254: Fleshy eggs from popcorn

In which I will show how to make alien egg sacs. I put these on a mysterious objective marker. Should also be handy for terrain or Tyranid bases.Start with a bag of cheap popcorn kernels. Nothing fancy. You may need to wash with detergent.I usually use oil, if I am...

253: Mathhammer with GNU Octave

Many folk understand how to do basic mathhammer. For example 10 marines shooting bolters at marines (outside 12").n_shots×prob_hit×prob_wound×prob_not_saved=mean_n_dead10×(2/3)×(1/2)×(1/3)=1.1It gets more complicated with things like rending. Still quite possible, but...

251: Wound markers

Normal people leave a die on or near a model indicating how many wounds it has left. I am an idiot, I forget, pick it up and roll it.I made bandage wound markers to solve the problem.Wrap clingfilm/foodwrap around a round pencil.Wrap some toilet paper (unused) around...