250: Magnetising a flying stand

After a cursory search I could not find an example of how to do this for a flyer. I found a few tutorials for skimmer bases. I did this for the Crimson Hunter/Hemlock Wraithfighter kit. I would wager that it could be adapted for most flyers.I used 4mm (diameter) by...

249: Rainbows on heated steel

Interference in thin films of oxide make heated steel pretty colours. So, the hot end of a gun can be painted light blue, and as you proceed to cooler parts it goes through purple to weak orange.I got this idea from some blog or other, but could not find it again....

246: A Cork Tor Hill

Hills made from foam seem common. I think cork is a good material. When the edges are torn, it has a nice rocky texture. It's more robust than foam. Creating a landscape with visible rock strata is a good way to walk the line between looking natural and having some...

245: Lighting a Rhino

Rebuild the searchlight. It needs a little more space to accommodate a standard LED.I left one wire looking like a cable, and used the brass rod forming the pintle mount as the other connection for the circuit. I put the LEDs in brass tubes. This mostly stops...