by Commissar_Drez | Feb 10, 2013
Always worth the wait! So here we have it guys, Episode 5 is now live and running, apologies for the long wait on this but Nurgle has had me ruined for longer that I care to comment, so this and the episode has been a chore. In this episode we welcome Steve and Bear...
by Commissar_Drez | Feb 7, 2013
Stock Update, Restocked today at Model Bits: Space Wolf Terminators Restocked Space Wolves Wolf Pack Restocked Thunderwolf Cavalry Restocked Space Marine Commander Restocked Space Marine Command Squad Restocked Space Marine Devastators Restocked Space Marine...
by Commissar_Drez | Feb 1, 2013
Podcast has hit over 1000 downloads! Hey everyone, Just a quick message from me to you the listener\follower and the VoxNet team, today I can officially confirm that we have hit over 1000 downloads for our podcast, this has made me very happy as this all just started...
by Commissar_Drez | Jan 30, 2013
Name says it all really… So I was having a hunt over the good old Google images to see if I could locate any information on the upcoming release of “Death From The Skies” and found this, now I was very surprised to see a front cover that was related...
by Commissar_Drez | Jan 29, 2013
Just when you thought it was safe to go out in a Rhino… DAEMONS ARE COMING! So I was over at BoLS and stumbled across this post by Larry Vela, looks like the Imperium is up for even more pain coming it’s way, but don’t you worry, my boys got...