Reformation Theses for 40k

I've finally done it. I've sat down and committed to article a proposed changelog for 40k. I've had the fortune of a lot of good discussion with friends and peers whom I respect greatly within the 40k community recently, and after seeing many of them leave...

Honor the Codex: Building Steam, Talking Tax

For those of you have been longtime readers, you know that we here at Rites love talking about how 40k plays for different armies at different points costs. Whether we're talking about kill team, escalation leagues, tournaments, or apocalypse, it's fascinating...

The Time for Attack: Rebel Armada (Wave I)

Fellow Rebels, the Imperials believe they have us beat, but I bring good news and hope, our first wave of reinforcements is arriving! Our fighters will overwhelm the enemy, and take shelter in the mighty wings of our frigates. Lock wings to attack position, and...

RobPod #27: GenCon!

It was a whirlwind weekend for Godfrey, Havoc, Trooper, and myself. Join us in recounding our adventures with GenCon 2015!Read More >

Honor the Codex: Brewing up some MSU

I figure it's high time to put my money where my mouth is. This past month, I've penned around an article a week, and with the exception of the last, both revolved around the latest and greatest marine codex, including a list review for a reader's...