Warzone LOTR #3 approaching fast!

Warzone LOTR #3 approaching fast!

Warzone LOTR #3 is on this Saturday! The time since the last LOTR tournament has flown past, and I look forward to getting into a few fun games for it. Last time we had 24 players hack it out in one of the nation's biggest events (until our brothers down in Victoria...
X-Wing Game: Advanced Sensors.

X-Wing Game: Advanced Sensors.

As we have previously posted about, X-Wing is an INSANELY good game. Me, being a “forces of good” player, immediately went for a Rebel fleet. As of now I stand with two B-Wings, two X-Wings and a HWK-290. After playing a few games I have learned that the most valuable...
We just started X-Wing.

We just started X-Wing.

Let me pretext this article by saying that we don’t hate 7thedition 40k, nor are we looking to “jump on the wagon” as one of our ‘readers’ told us. So in saying that, let me move onto the topic of how we got started in X-Wing.It’s strange to be seeing Star Wars on a...
Dark Eldar in 7th

Dark Eldar in 7th

I’d say the absolute worst thing to hit Dark Eldar this edition is that flamers can spray into our Open-Topped vehicles. T3/5+ Kabalites do not fare well against standard Flamers, let alone anything that torrents higher strength ones. So welcome to Dark Eldar in 7th....
Dark Eldar Unique Bonus in 7th.

Dark Eldar Unique Bonus in 7th.

Well unless someone can find something against this, Dark Eldar Raiders are pretty hilarious now. Jink gives a 4+ cover save to them, but means they can only snap shot next turn. However, when reading the rulebook, it states that models WITH THIS SPECIAL RULE gain the...