Well the Wood Elves are here with armour piercing spears.

Well the Wood Elves are here with armour piercing spears.

From the few grainy pics that we have floating around, we can make a few assumptions. Firstly, that Wood Elves gain army wide Always Strikes First. Surprised? Not really. What I am surprised by is the “Asral Spears” giving Armour Piercing. It actually states that the...
How to airbrush a Frostheart Phoenix.

How to airbrush a Frostheart Phoenix.

Doing this was incredibly easy, here is my simple step by step process of how to paint it:What you will need:An Airbrush.White Undercoat.Light Blue Paint.White Paint.Blue Wash/Ink.Airbrush Thinner. GW Dheneb Stone.GW Ulthuan Grey.GW Flash Gitz Yellow.GW Reikland...
The release schedule look back.

The release schedule look back.

WOW, what a past few months these have been. GW has been on a rampage of releases and it's almost a bit of a relief to have this week being hobby tools. It gives the community a break just to draw breath before we get set into Wood Elves. Let's look back at what has...
The Pask Brigade.

The Pask Brigade.

Time to talk some more guard options. I wouldn't say that it's a hugely competitive option for your army, but it might be worth considering against your mates or in a tournament that is on a 4x4 board.Here are the basics:Pask in a Leman Russ Punisher.2 x Leman Russ...