Life without Quartermaster.

Life without Quartermaster.

What the hell did we do before an army building app? Oh wait, I remember......write lists by hand....I was talking with Spicerack the other day, and we got onto the subject of Quartermaster Templates. He and I use it exclusively to build our lists. For those that...
Escalation at 750 points – Tournament chatter.

Escalation at 750 points – Tournament chatter.

Our next singles tournament is on at the end of May (40k is now on the last Saturday of EVERY month), and we decided to roll it as a completely “GW original” event. So there are no restrictions on Super Heavies or D weapons (as we had before). Let’s be serious for a...
Introducing people to GW is….well…hard.

Introducing people to GW is….well…hard.

This article is jointly inspired by a recent post on From The Fang, and a comment made last night by the new gamer in our group. It’s about starting 40k.......and how difficult it is for new guys.As much as GW likes to think it has a handle on introducing new people....
Initial Guard Thoughts.

Initial Guard Thoughts.

I thought I would jump in and jot down my initial thoughts before Spicerack really tears the new dex to shreds. He and I sat down for about 15-20 minutes this morning, going over what had changed, and what was made worse or better. Here is what we came up in...
What type of collector are you?

What type of collector are you?

When it comes down to collecting armies, there are a number of different collector types. There are guys that collect a bit of everything, guys that collect EVERYTHING, and the last type, who I envy, are those who are happy with a single army.I, for one, am part of...