Warzone #2 Debrief

Warzone #2 Debrief

Yesterday we hosted a hugely successfully LOTR tournament here in Sydney. All up, 24 players duked it out at Good Games Town Hall.The Hobbit is a fantastic system, and while it took 6 months of digging to get the Sydney players organised, it was well worth it. The...
WIP Lions for Chariot.

WIP Lions for Chariot.

Alright, so I've been working on my elves recently. I want to get my lion chariot completed in time for the games on Thursday, and here is big kitty number one WIP. I went with the red for two reasons. Firstly, I'm comfortable painting red, and secondly because I...
Some signs that GW does actually care.

Some signs that GW does actually care.

Lately I've been having a lot of chats with the local GW store manager. Usually about the future of our events, and how that has been impacting upon the store's business. Obviously we don't discuss the financials of it, but yesterday we talked about how the store is...
Fantasy League

Fantasy League

So Spicerack and I just joined a 500 point escalating campaign league. We are still a bit shaky on the structure of it, but we got a few games in last night for it.Spicerack tabled me in our first game. His list has a sorc, two bolt throwers and corsairs. Mine has a...